The newest short I've produced and edited is for the Confinement Film Festival (CoFF) hosted by The Stranger in SEATTLE.
My wonderful dream team of creative pals put together this short in less than two weeks. I am so proud of this short! Written by: Jenn Dodd Evan Cannon Brendan McLoughlin Jenny Ledel Edited & Produced by: Sharon Jamilkowski Graphics: Will Dodd Sharon Jamilkowski Brendan McLoughlin Sound: Evan Cannon Music: Evan Cannon Jacob Greenan Cast (in order of appearance) Dmitri… Evan Cannon Tzack… Will Dodd Carole… Jenny Ledel Darlene… Sharon Jamilkowski Brenda… Jenn Dodd Loom IT… Brendan McLoughlin Coronavirus… Richard Ybarra, Carl Jamilkowski, Brendan McLoughlin
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September 2021