Touch and Feel Boyfriend
The "Touch And Feel Boyfriend" was created as part of an immersive theater piece. Made from a cardboard celebrity cut out, bandana, wig, puka shell necklace, corduroy pants, t-shirt, silicon, rawhide, clay, paint, glue, and velcro. Sharon designed this boyfriend to be completely touchable with even a happy trail. To the right, picture of the immersive theatrical experience, creation process and design plan. To the left is the final product.
LuLu and Lala Head
Designed to be completely wearable, Sharon co-created this with her brother. Using a doll head and several internal mechanical pieces, this doll is designed to blink. Not only does this head blink, but Sharon and Carl created this head to also emit a creepy laugh whenever the user presses a button hidden in the turtleneck. This piece was used in several performances.
Plastered Empowerment
The Value of Beauty
Sharon designed and created "The Value Of Beauty" to invoke a reaction. This piece uses various make up pieces and products from the late 80s and 90s, a Barbie Make Up Head, plastic tray, paint, and homemade GAK. To the right details the design plan, creation, GAK creation process, and final product.